
8 Weight Loss Benefits of Yoga

Exercise is an important part of losing weight and maintaining weight loss. Many people, however, struggle simply because they haven’t found the right activity. If you’re…

Do I Need Weight Loss Surgery?

Despite exercise programs and diet plans, many people still struggle to maintain a healthy weight. Americans unable to lose the weight any other way are increasingly…

How Obesity Affects Stroke Risk

Each year, nearly 800,000 Americans have a stroke. For 610,000 of those people, it’s their first. For 140,000 people, the stroke will prove fatal. Many of…

6 Diet Tips To Avoid Excess Sugar

Good nutrition fuels the body with power rather than simply filling it. Unfortunately, today’s diets abound with sugar-laden options that can sabotage your fitness goals. In…

5 Key Facts About Obesity’s Effect on Cancer

Nearly twenty percent of all cancers are directly related to obesity. Researchers have been studying fat cells and have discovered that fat is far more than…

Understanding the Different Types of Diabetes

For more than 23 million Americans, diabetes is an everyday part of life. It affects the young, the old and those in between. It affects both…

Could Obesity Rob You of a Good Night’s Sleep?

Sleep disturbances often contribute to obesity, and obesity contributes to sleep disturbances. It’s a vicious cycle leading to any number of secondary issues that make maintaining…

Easing into an Exercise Routine

The key to regular, effective exercise is to start with a short, light routine and build upon that. Exercise regimens vary greatly from person to person,…

Nutrient Supplements for Post Weight Loss Surgery

Getting enough of the right nutrients can be tricky for weight loss surgery patients. Following surgery, drastically reduced calorie intakes and changes in physiology make choosing…

10 Reasons You’re Not Losing Weight with Diet and Exercise

With or without weight loss surgery, the weight loss formula is supposed to be simple. Calories consumed minus calories burned result in either a calorie surplus,…